Final Selections:
- final selection Specialists
- Waiting Lists AD Ehtisab Bureau, Tehsil Mufti, Lecturer Chemistry
- Final Interview selection and Waiting Lists
- Press Release alternate candidate AD. Ehtisab Bureau
- Successful candidates for Specialists:: May 2024
- Successful candidates for Veterinary Officer, AD Crop Reporting, AD Libration Cell, Computer Operators:: April 2024
- Successful candidates for ST General Line:: April 2023
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialists,Headmasters:: February 2023
- Successful candidates for ST Science:: January 2023
- Successful candidates for ST Biology:: January 2023
- Successful candidates for Assistant:: January 2023
- Successful candidates for Lecturer English,Protocol Officer:: November 2022
- Successful candidates for Civil Judge, Lecturer Economics:: October 2022
- Successful candidates for Assistant Director, Classifier, Program Officer:: September 2022
- Successful candidates for Dental Surgeon,Planning Officer,Assistant Tourism Officer,Staff Nurse:: July 2022
- Successful candidates for Gynecologist, Research Officer, Statistical Assistant:: April 2022
- Successful candidates for Civil Medical Officer, Assistant Sericulture Development Officer:: April 2022
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Political Sciences:: Februrary 2022
- Successful candidates for Forest Prosecutor,Senrior Technologist,Senior Auditor:: January 2022
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Mathematics:: January 2022
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Physics,Chemistry:: November 2021
- Successful candidates for Specialists, Dental Surgeon Health department:: November 2021
- Successful candidate for Computer Operator Education School:: October 2021
- Successful candidates Health department posts:: May 2021
- Successful candidates for Staff Nurse:: February 2021
- Successful candidates for Gynecologist :: January 2021
- Successful candidates for Sys.Admin,Nursing Spr,Dy. Nursing Supr,Lect English,Technologist :: November 2020
- Successful candidates for Agriculture Officer,Lady Extenionist,Physio Therapist:: November 2020
- Successful candidates for Agriculture Officer:: November 2020
- Successful candidates for Ast. Research Officer,Budget Officer,Snr Tech Teacherl :: November 2020
- Successful candidates for Civil Judge, Registrar Service Tribunal :: July 2020
- Successful candidates for Senior Teachers,Assistant Research Officer:: December 2019
- Successful candidates for Assistant Profesors:: December 2019
- Successful candidates for Head Master:: December 2019
- Successful candidates for Tehsil Mufti,,Senior Commerce Instructor,Lecturer Biology,Graphics Designer:: November 2019
- Successful candidates for Tehsil Qazi:: November 2019
- Successful candidates for assistant Lirarian,Librarian:: november/october 2019
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialist Islamiat,English,Eco,Urdu, Physics,Chemistry,Math,Lecturer Economics,Political Science:: october 2019
- Successful candidates for Staff Nurse,Computer Instructor, Lecturer Urdu:: october 2019
- Successful candidates for Lecturer English:: september 2019
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Pakistan studies, Kashmir studies, philosophy,Mathematics, Chemistry:: september 2019
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Biology ::: 29,30 August 2019
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Islamiat ::: September 2019
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Physics, Education, Geography ::: August 2019
- Successful candidates for Dental Surgeon,DFC, Inspector weight n measure, Lecturer Statistics,Dem.Biology,Botany, Zoology,Physical Education, Sociology, Psychology ::: July, August 2019
- Successful candidates for Assistant Engineer, Data Processing Officer,Program Officer,Computer Operator ::: June 2019
- Successful candidates for Secondary School Teacher Biology B-16::: April 2019
- Successful candidates for Specialists Health Department B-18::: March 2019
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialists B-17::: February 2019
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialists B-17::: january 2019
- Successful candidates for Staff Nurse B-16::: December 2018
- Successful candidates for Civil Medical Officer B-17, Assistant B-16, District Food Controller::: November/December 2018
- Successful candidates for Deputy Director Commercial ,AD Commercial,BioChemist,Assintant Director Sericulture,Drug Inspector,Revenue.Officer,Health n Nutrition Officer,Assistant Bactarialogist,Technologist Physiotherapy,Staff Nurse::: Oct 2018
- Successful candidates for Gynecologist, Lecturer Geography::: May 2018
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialists,Research Officer,AD Architecture, Ast.Engineer Civil::: May 2018
- Successful candidates for Final selection for Assistant Professors (Islamiat,English,Botany/Bio/Zoology,Math,P.Science) ::: April 2018
- Successful candidates for Headmistress, Secondary School Teacher (Science, General Line, Biology)::: March 2018
- Successful candidates for Civil Judge, Section Officer Law B-17::: November 2017
- Successful candidates for Computer Instructor schools B-17::: November 2017
- Successful candidates for Computer Instructor Male, Veterinary Officer B-17::: October 2017
- Successful candidates for Computer Instructor Female B-17::: October 2017
- Successful candidates for Protocol Officer, Secretary Transport Authority B-17::: October 2017
- Successful candidates for Dental Surgeon, Civil Medical Officer B-17::: September 2017
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Islamiat, Commerce and Staff Nurse::: September 2017
- Successful candidates for Lecturer English Male,Female B-17 ::: August 2017
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Political Science,Chemistry,Senior Commerce Instructor,Lecturer Physics,Biology,Economics,Math, Botany B-17 ::: August 2017
- Successful candidates for Computer Instructor(adv 1-2006) B-17, Lecturer Urdu B-17(Adv 1-2012) ::: 1,2,3-August 2017
- Successful candidates for Associate Professors B-19 Higher Education department ::: 18-July 2017
- Successful candidates for Research Officer/Planning Officer B-17 Planning & Development department, Lecturer Chemistry B-17 and Director Physical Education B-16 Higher Education department ::: 9-march 2017
- Successful candidates for Research Officer/Planning Officer/Assistant Director B-17 of Planning & Development department and Revenue Officer B-17 of Physical Planning & Housing department ::: 8-march 2017
- Successful candidates for Assistant Commissioner, Section Officer ::: January-February 2017
- Merit / Waiting list for Bio Medical Engineer B-17 Health department advertisement no. 2/2011, Director Physical Education B-17 Education department advertisement no.1/2012, Deputy Director Technical B-18, advertisement no. 2/2-2013, Planning & Development Department. :: 1st January 2016
- Successful candidates for Assistant Engineer B-17 Electricity department, Assistant Electric Inspector B-17 Inspectorate of Electricity department, advertisement no. 1/2012:: 4-11-2015
- Waiting list for Director Physical Education B-16 :: 29-10-2015
- Successful candidates for Director Physical Education B-16 :: 12-14 October 2015
- Successful candidates for Legal Officer B-17 PWD advertisement 1/2012, Junior Town Planner B-17 Central Design advertisement 1/2012, Assistant Engineer Civil B-17 advertisement no. 1/2012 and Assistant Engineer Structure B-17 advertisement no. 2/2013 of Central Design department:: 27,28 July 2015
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Commerce male, Arabic female, Islamiat female, History female B-17, Economics female B-17, English female B-17, Physics female B-17, Urdu female B-17, Political Science female B-17,Higher Education (Colleges) department, advertisement no.1/2012:: 18 May to 11 June 2015
- Successful candidates for Associate Professor Biology, Zoology, Botany and History B-19 Higher Education(Colleges) adv no.2/2013 :: 22- 05-2015
- Successful candidates for Dental Surgeon, Civil Medical Officer B-17, Health department, advertisement no.2/2013:: 9 to 19 - 02-2015
- Successful candidates for Civil Medical Officer B-17, Health department, advertisement no.2/2013:: 12to22-01-2015
- Successful candidates for Associate Professor Physics, Chemistry, Math, Economics, Commerce, Statistics B-19 Higher Education(Education Colleges), advertisement no.2/2013:: 8 to 9-1-2015
- Successful candidates for Associate Professor Urdu, History, English, Biology/Zoology/Botany, Islamiat B-19 Higher Education(Education Colleges), advertisement no.2/2013:: 5to7-1-2015
- Successful candidate for Professor B-20 Higher Education(Education Colleges), advertisement no.2/2013:: 15-12-2014
- Successful candidates for Tehsil Qazi B17 Shariat Court Department, advertisement no.1/2012:: 13to23-10-2014
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Mathematics male/female, Botany male/female, Statistics male B-17 Education Colleges Advertisement No.1/2012:: 03-10-2014
- Successful candidates for Lecturer Chemistry male, female B-17 Education Colleges Advertisement No.1/2012:: 15-09-2014
- Successful candidates for Veterernary Officer Health B-17, Veterernary Officer Extension B-17 of Animal Husbandry Department and Lecturer Education Female B-17, Lecturer Zoology Female B-17 of Education(Colleges) Department:: 23-08-2013
- Successful candidates for Assistant Librarian B-16 of Education(Colleges):: 17-07-2013
- Successful candidates for Subject Specialists Islamiat, Urdu, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English, Economics, Political Science:: 24-06-2013
- Successful candidates for Neuro Surgeon, Medical Specialist, Dermatologist, Cardiologist, Eye Specialist, Radiologist, Anesthetist, Gynecologist :: 07-06-2013
- Selected candidates two posts of Electro Medical Enigeer B-17, one post of Computer Operator(B-16), three posts of Assistant Engineer mechanical (B-17), one post of Assistant Director Mineral Resources (B-17) and one post of Development Officer Sericulture B-16 :: 15-03-2013
- Selected candidates for the post Lecturer English female B-17 district sudhnoti :: 28-02-2013
- Selected candidates for the posts of Lecturer Islamiat, Director Physical Education Male/Female, Senior Commerce Instructor Female, Asst. Protocol Offic:: 28-01-2013
- Waiting list for the posts of Tehsildar: ::22-01-2013
- Waiting list for the posts of lecturers: interview date 24-25 may 2-2012 :: 29-06-2012
- Selected candidates for the posts of Civil Judges, Section Officer Law, Forest Prosecutor Adv.No. 2-2012 :: 29-03-2012
- Selected candidates for the posts of Instructors Agriculture:: 22-02-2012
- Selected candidates for the posts of Assistant Engineer Civil, Civil Defence Officer, Assistant Director Civil Defence 20-02-2012
- Selected/alternate/waiting candidates for the posts of Secondary Science Teacher Biology 24-01-2012
- Selected/alternate/waiting candidates for the posts of Staff Nurse 19-01-2012
- Selected/alternate/waiting candidates for the posts of Naib-Tehsildar 19-01-2012
- Selected/alternate/waiting candidates for the posts of Prosecuting Inspector 18-01-2012
- Selected candidates for the posts of Secondary Science Teacher Female, Secondary Science Teacher Biology(male/female) 02-01-2012
- Selected candidates for the posts of Prosecuting Inspector 30-12-2011
- Selected candidates for the posts of Naib Tehsildar 30-12-2011
- Selected candidates for the posts of Staff Nurse 29-12-2011
- Selected candidates for the posts of Head Masters 20-10-2011
- Selected candidates for the posts of Lecturer English(Health), Data Processing Officer/Computer Operator(P & D) 12-09-2011
- Selected candidates for the posts of Director Physical Education 25-10-2010
- Selected candidates for the posts of Asst. Engineer 21-10-2010
- Selected candidates for the posts of Lecturers(male,female) 05-08-2010
- Selected candidates for the posts of Civil Medical Officers 02-07-2010
- Selected candidates for the posts of Prosecuting Inspector and CDC Officer (Malaria Superintendent) 24-05-2010
- Selected Candidates for Principal HSC, Subject Matter Specialist, Asst. Director Fisheries and Asst. Entamologist 12-03-2010
- Waiting List for Dental Surgeon, Research Officer, Veterinary Officer, Social Welfare Officer, Superintendent Dar ul Falah, and Computer Operator 26-12-2009
- Selected candidates for Anesthetist, Dental Surgeon, Research Officer, Veterinary Officer, Social Welfare Officer, Superintendent Dar ul Falah, and Computer Operator 26-12-2009